A Quick Look at What Goes into the Mouths of Australians

11It's common knowledge for Australians what should be eaten, but the reality of what we really consume is far different than what we see in the diet guidelines.

According to The Age, while many Australians understand that they should be eating two serves of fruit and six serves of veg per day, many eat meals consisting of burgers, chips and pies.

In recent years, certain eating habits have been changing, with items such as potatoes dropping in number and coffee consumption doubling since 2004. Once, it was popular to visit an Italian when eating out, but these days the most frequently visited restaurant is a Thai or Chinese.

Protein and carbohydrate intake is up, but this is more to do with the level of snack bars being eaten rather than a rise in bread intake.

Senior nutritionist at Nutrition Australia Aloysa Hourigan said that when she asks her clients to keep a food diary, they are often surprised as to how much they eat. She believes that Australians are in denial over how much goes into their bodies. Too often, people become caught in a habit that they don't even realise they are doing. When this habit involves food, it's easy to forget what you have eaten.

This is backed by the notion that Australians tend to rotate a repertoire of five meals, showing routine and convenience plays a part in a family's diet.

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Mireille Kilgour

Mireille Kilgour

Mireille Kilgour has been an entrepreneur for 35 years in the hospitality sector. French born, she has been an accomplished business owner and operator for a number of Sydney venues. Leading the industry with high profile institutions such as Lamrock Café Bondi, she has endless passion for the industry, and now has the pleasure of supporting restaurants to fill their tables with the new Good Food Gift Card program.