How Restaurant Vouchers Could Boost Your Office Productivity

people2In times when the weather is a bit chilly or there is an influx of rain that just doesn't seem to go away, people's spirits can be dampened and laziness can kick in. Who wants to walk to the deli down the road to get a salad when they can order a nice warm soup to their desk?

When staff get lazy, productivity suffers. When staff exercise, productivity soars.

Exercise increases your energy levels and when you have energy to burn, you power through tasks at sufficient speed. When you feel unmotivated, your work suffers and a to do on your list can take significantly longer.

So how do you ensure your staff are motivated and getting the exercise they need?

One such way, according to Business News Daily, is to offer incentives such as experience rewards.

When a University of Toronto team were studying a collection of heart disease patients, they needed to track their fitness regimen as part of the cardiac rehabilitation program. The problem was, that many of the patients stopped exercising after six months.

The team decided to offer incentives to the patients as a way to motivate them to submit a daily exercise entry online and were met with great results.

This research showed the success you could have by introducing a similar scheme within your office. By offering incentives such as a voucher for lunch in a nice restaurant, staff could be encouraged to hit the gym or track their fitness levels. This not only keeps your staff happy, but keeps productivity and motivation levels on track.

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Mireille Kilgour

Mireille Kilgour

Mireille Kilgour has been an entrepreneur for 35 years in the hospitality sector. French born, she has been an accomplished business owner and operator for a number of Sydney venues. Leading the industry with high profile institutions such as Lamrock Café Bondi, she has endless passion for the industry, and now has the pleasure of supporting restaurants to fill their tables with the new Good Food Gift Card program.