What Not to Buy: 5 of the Worst Christmas Presents

shutterstock_19154479Think you've had a brilliant idea of what to buy someone for Christmas this year? It might not be as brilliant as you think, especially if it makes this list. From the strange to the boringly mundane to the gift that sends an offensive message, here are some of the worst Christmas presents you could put under the tree:

1. Air freshener

Unwrapping a bottle of air freshener is never going to bring joy to someone's face unless they have some strange obsession with the scent – and even then, this is the kind of thing they probably buy regularly themselves. What's more, air freshener sends the implied message that the receiver's house smells. Air freshener belongs in the 'never buy as a present' list along with all cleaning products.

2. Underwear … of the granny variety

While a nice pair of lingerie from your partner is a romantic gesture, a pair of large granny knickers is going to kill the romance. What's even more awkward is getting ugly underwear from someone who isn't your partner, like your brother or your boss.

3. A banana peeler and other single use gadgets

"Hey, here's this funky looking gadget to make peeling a banana simple – I'm sure they'll love it," is one of those brainwave thoughts that aren't as genius as you think. If it only does one thing and is a task that could easily be done without the gadget, don't buy it. It's only going to lie around taking up precious space in the kitchen and then be thrown out or re-gifted in the next big clean.

4. Dust collectors

Everyone has received one of these presents. Whether it be a Swarovski crystal animal, ceramic figurine or decorative candle, these are those objects that have no purpose other than sitting on a bookcase gathering dust. Anything that is purely decorative is a risky present.

5. The diet cookbook

Unless the recipient has specifically asked for a diet cookbook, don't buy this as a present. This Christmas gift sends the message 'you need to lose weight', and could cost you a friendship. Similarly, avoid self help books and other items that suggest the person needs to change and improve themselves.

If you've made the mistake of gifting one of these presents to someone, we hope you've learned your lesson. For a safe Christmas present idea that anyone will love, we recommend a Good Food Gift Card.

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Mireille Kilgour

Mireille Kilgour

Mireille Kilgour has been an entrepreneur for 35 years in the hospitality sector. French born, she has been an accomplished business owner and operator for a number of Sydney venues. Leading the industry with high profile institutions such as Lamrock Café Bondi, she has endless passion for the industry, and now has the pleasure of supporting restaurants to fill their tables with the new Good Food Gift Card program.